Cover Image

Toxic Men

Genre: Self-help

Publisher: Adams Media
EAN: 9781440509124

Know Thine Toxic Man.
Toxic men come in all shapes, sizes, and dysfunctions. The trick is to know one when you see one–and how to deal with him. In this book, bestselling author and therapist Dr.Lillian Glass shows you how to identify toxic men, and gives you the specific tools you need to avoid them when you can–and handle them effectively when you cannot. This groundbreaking look at toxic men and the women who are involved with them offers a three-part approach:

  • Part One: 10 types of toxic men, from the “Sneaky Passive Aggressive Silent But Deadly Erupting Volcano” to the “Instigating Backstabbing Meddler”
  • Part Two: 10 ways to deal with toxic men, including the “Blow Out, Let It Go Technique” and the “Give Them Hell and Yell Technique”
  • Part Three: How to heal after a toxic relationship, from getting professional help to making amends

With Dr. Glass’s profound yet practical advice, you can take charge of your life–and rid your relationships of toxic men once and for all. Whether you’re struggling to date a decent guy or are already trapped in a toxic relationship, Dr. Glass gives you the answers you need to leave dysfunction behind–and find a man capable of a health, loving relationship.