Cover Image

Impossible Things

Author: Kate Johnson
Genre: Fiction

Imprint: Choc Lit
EAN: 9781781890615

In a savage land of magic and majesty, the only thing deadlier than an enemy’s blade is trusting someone with your heart . . .
Ishtaer is a beautiful mystery. A blind slave, beaten and broken by her sadistic mistress, she has no memory of a time before her enslavement.
Kael Vapensigsson is one of the elite Chosen—a warlord whose strength comes from the gods themselves. But despite all his power and prestige, he is plagued by a prophecy that threatens to destroy everything he loves.
When Kael summons Ishtaer to his room and discovers the marks of the Chosen on her body, both warlord and slave seem to have met their match. But as their lives become increasingly entangled—and endangered—both slave and master will test whether the Chosen truly have the ability to choose their own fate . . .